Hi there! I'm Sam.
Areas of Interest:
Carbon Footprint Calculator Research | CoolClimate Network
As part of a team of three, I worked to update the "Take Action" page of CoolClimate Networks's Household Carbon Footprint Calculator. Working primarily with React/Node.js, we aimed to transform the page by adding a user-friendly carousel of all 'Take Action' options as listed on a spreadshset.
I worked primarily on integration with the Google Sheets API so that we could dynamically populate carousel data. I also worked to parse that data for the final carousel integration as well as so that the action taken could be visualized as a carbon footprint reduction on the graph.
I also managed the project's Trello board, ensuring that it was up to date with our team's current progress so that everyone was on the same page.
ButterflyEffect Personal | CalHacks 2019
For CalHacks 2019, my partner and I set out to create a smart scheduling app, called ButterflyEffect, with the goal of helping people optimize their time and live their fullest lives. Written in React and connected with the Facebook API, the idea was that users could input their regular weekly schedules, their long- and short-term goals, and link social media accounts if they desire.
Using this data, ButterflyEffect would intelligently predict what users might want to add to their schedule, including events and locations nearby them that match their interests/goals, as well as fit into their busy schedule. We hoped that ButterflyEffect could help people decrease stress and increase overall happiness while also connecting them to their community. It was so rewarding to be given the space to dive deep into a project that I believed in and I had such a blast working on it.
Creature Collector Academic | Related Course: CS 61B
This project was created over the course of a few weeks with a fellow classmate. Written in Java, Creature Collectors is a game featuring pseudo-randomly generated levels in which a player seeks to collect all of the "creatures" in a level and get back to the start before the time runs out or they run out of health.
There are "gifts" and "traps" scattered throughout each level. If a player runs over a gift, they are given a random boost, such as a trap shield or more health. If a player runs over a trap, more creatures are added to the map or the player's health is reduced. Players are able to move throughout the world using standard W/A/S/D commands.
There is an optional "Dark Mode" which turns the map black except for light blocks which are randomly dispersed and can be activated by the player. Players can also add customizations to their game, such as inputting their name and choosing their avatar. We also added the ability for players to save their progress to resume their game at a later time.
Sixt33n Academic | Related Course: EECS 16B
Over the course of eight weeks, a fellow student and I designed and built a small car, referred to as SIXT33N, that operated autonomously to four voice commands. We separated this project into three main design components:
We relied heavily on the use of iPython and Energia throughout this project. The circuit for SIXT33N was built on a single breadboard connected to a custom mic board and MSP LaunchPad.